As soon as you reach KU after your academic session here starts for the first time (like it does every semester for me), you are a citizen of Kathmandu University. KU is your new country; it has its own language, own constitution, own leaders, own ethics and tradition. You need to know the location of its zones, (called department of Something Something, Kathmandu University, School of Something Something).
Kathmandu University Central Library (KUCL)
You have a central library (as schools and colleges, like you found Kathmandu University to study, as a citizen of Nepal. :) or whatever...) to study a lot of books and spend your spare time with ease. Without making a noise you can talk as much as you like inside the Kathmandu University Central Library- KUCL. And one information about library- you will have 7 computers for accessing internet, out of which rarely 5 or more of them work.
More posts on KU Library are available; just type in 'Library' in the search box above and you will find something interesting for you.
Kathmandu University Administration Block
Next, you will have a government office- the Kathmandu University Administration Block. You have already been there to pay for your course; of course it is Nepal Investment Bank, the KU extension of Nepal Investment Bank is there since I had first come to KU. I don't know when did it born here. Anyway, you will visit the block at least twice a semester to pay your installments. And one information- there is a garage downstairs! You can easily hide yourself from your friends in there or get out of the building through the entrance of the garage.
More posts on KU Administration Block are available; search for 'Admin' or 'Administration' in the search box above and you will find a few more posts.
Kathmandu University Fast Food Cafe (KU's Fast Food)
Next, you have a fast food cafe- KU's fast food cafe, where you can fill up yourself with variety of items (I will go there just after finishing this post, I am hungry :) was our Viva Voce examination for MEEG 101; I didn't get time for a lunch). Actually KU Fast Food Cafe used to be a museum. When I first came to KU, I had seen a board- [KU Fast Food Cafe ->]. When I reached there, I saw a small house or whatever that seemed to be a museum on itself. Anyway, you will spend a lot of time there at leisure and of course when you reach KU late. We shall sit together for a drink there. Nope! Not a hard drink; of course soft drink. And an information- they don't sell Slice in there! There is a dog that licks your plates after you are done; you know well how they wash dishes in restaurants!!
Kathmandu University Social Hall
This is one of the secret places of KU, which you will not find out unless you are a resident of Boys Hostel. It remains nearly inside the boys' hostel. There are two or three (I don't go there so much.. I don't have an exact idea about social hall) table tennis boards and a badminton court. There is a TV room, a restroom and upstairs there is a store room of musical instruments. And one information- Once I had been upstairs; I picked some of those vintage instruments- useless. Still they call the store room 'A place to practice Music'.
If you searched for 'Social Hall', you might find something new or odd about it. Give yourself a try.
Kathmandu University Sports Ground
Well, this place might interest you if you play cricket or football. Basketball is also fine, it is beside the cricket cum football ground. It should have been a little managed but it is working; no problem at all. It is on the south-west of KU hill, in front (or side, wherever it be) of the Boys Hostel. I found nothing to describe about it. But one information- If you shot the ball hard, it falls down the ground and gets stuck on the premises wall of KU. Someone needs to go down and fetch the ball.
Search for 'ground' and you might find some posts that might interest you.
Kathmandu University CV Raman Hall
If you are interested in musical events or any event where a group performs and a mass sits around to view it, or a movie or something is shown (.. sounds informal though, it is what we go there for) you will be inside the hall quite often. It is a small unpredictable block between the library block and admin block. As far as I guess, your orientation was held on the CV Raman Hall (I am not sure because I didn't attend it). Now onwards, you will be welcomed and farewelled from the same hall. And one information- the entrance of CV Raman hall is a favorite place to sit and use internet because the wireless network signals from the library is good there, at least better than anywhere else outside the library.
There is no need to, but still if you want to know more about CV Raman Hall, search for 'auditorium' or 'cv raman hall' and find something.
Kathmandu University Boys Hostel
"Nocturnal life in Kathmandu University", mentioned one of our pals in his facebook post with a picture of a toad. I do not dwell in the hostel so I have a friend who does, beside me to describe something. It is a hollow cylindrical block beside the ground. They say that two benefits of staying in hostel are- Internet connection and 24 hours electricity. Describing about the hostel is not the part of my business. But still one information about KU Boys Hostel- there is a combined room system and no facility of food till the date.
Interested to know more about the boys' hostel? Well, type in 'boys hostel' in the long search box upwards and find some posts for yourself. Enjoy!
Kathmandu University Girls Hostel
Girls hostel- divided into two parts, one on the eastern and other in the western slope of KU hill. But there is a co-incidence that both of the hostel blocks are beside the residence of KU Staff Residence. If you are a girl you will get a chance to explore each and every corner of the hostels but if you are something else you will rarely see the color of the corridor. Facilities are similar to the boys' hostel though. I seriously cannot explain more about the girls hostel; you must have predicted I am not a girl (and not a 'something else' at all :) ...I am the eldest son of my parents). Well, one more information- Girls hostel on the eastern slope looks like a ghost house at night from up here (kidding, girls!)
I bet you will find enough posts on this topic if you searched for 'girls hostel' and read them all in your leisure. :)
Departments and Schools in Kathmandu University
Let me save a suspense for you here; we call those separate blocks distributed around the KU hill as departments. You will be calling your department as 'department' and other's department with their respective names, like 'Civil department', 'Mechanical Department' ...and so on. The Departments are classified into separates schools- School of Arts, School of Science and School of Engineering (leave apart the school of Medicine/Medical sciences, at least for now). School of engineering has the departments like mentioned above, school of science has department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, department of Language and Mass Communication falls under the school of arts, and so on. In brief, those departments and schools (known by the different buildings) are everywhere around; you will come to know about them all very soon. And one information- you will write the name of each and every department on the title page of your assignments and reports while submitting them to your course instructor.
Search for 'department' or any specific department name like 'civil department' for the department of civil and geomatics engineering, for instance and learn more.
Labs and Workshops
There are several labs which you will be visiting one by one here in KU. The most interesting lab for me was Computer lab and it is still the same. It is the one where you had filled up your online form for Kathmandu University. I do not need to explain more, I guess. Other labs are drawing lab, physics lab, chemistry lab, biology lab, electrical lab, mechanical lab, etc and workshops are electrical workshop, automobile workshop, etc, as far as I know. There are a few more of them. The workshop where you should actually 'work' is on the western side of KU hill, above the football ground, downstairs (there are not stairs actually) / downwards the parking lot (which has been reformed/deformed recently for a reason I don't know at all). You will do carpentry, metal work, metal sheet work and other mechanical workshop stuffs. Well, don't worry; you will have to wear an apron and gloves while working on that workshop.
Drawing lab and other general physics lab- you know all what is it. Drawing lab includes Autocad lab, where you will learn to use a designing software. Description of each and every labs might take a whole week; let me save that for next day.
Find more information about the labs and workshop by searching 'lab' or 'workshop' in the search box. Be happy that you have a search bar to search; I had only two eyes when I came to KU.
Outside the gate of Kathmandu University
It is obvious that you will have to learn to live outside the gate of KU, so called ‘KU Gate’. Well there are various factors that affect your life outside the KU Gate. Firstly you will find your favorite place to hang out with your friends, secondly you will choose among the restaurants out there and thirdly you will have to wander around your friends’ rooms for this and that everyday though not applicable for all. Even if you stay in hostel you will have to come out of the gate for lunch. Well, no need to describe the needs and requirements. Coming to the point let me describe something about outside the KU Gate. There are two ‘outsides’- one towards the KU gate and other is behind the premises of KU, whose existence a lot of people deny to acknowledge. If you got a nice room for yourself around the KU gate or at least in the direction you will rarely visit the southern ‘outside’ of KU.
Most popular hotels around KU (each of them are very popular, actually) are Saadaar Momo, Lotus, The Kitchen, Junu, Hamrai Didi, Nescafe, HK and so on. The ones which are left to mention are because I don’t remember their names right now. Well, enough said about food. Next, you will find some places to hang out, which I cannot name at all and general stores are here for shopping small goodies. For shopping experience, actually you will go to Banepa, which is a ‘City’ for us in KU. One information- Here is not a single Cyber CafĂ© or Medical here; but no problem, your health is insured by KU at Dhulikhel Hospital.
Still reading? Well, type in ‘Outside KU’ or ‘gate’ on the search box and explore more! Good Luck!
A typical Schedule in KU
Now its time to learn how to live in KU. Not a thing that this post should have included but it is always easy to edit what others have done rather than starting from the scratch. Well, a day in KU begins from 3:00 am to 8:45 am according to the nature of a person and their mood (..mine begins at 5:30am usually); the day usually ends from 8:00pm to 3:00am (mine ends at 2:30 usually). This is not what matters but I can bet you will start from the range and end within the same; I should smile :) , really! Well, what do they do after they get up? You are supposed to know this much at least. Well after then starts the journey.
Priority 1: Preparation for exam or start finishing assignments.
Priority 2: Go for filling up yourself.
Priority 3: Open your computer (if you have one) or your friend's or something else.
Not a good post at all! Is that so? May be because I am now tired of typing all this for a stranger. I started my schedule with the above priorities, went for a breakfast at Nescafe at 7:00, came to library and started surfing a few sites, went for lunch at HK, then attended my Viva Voce examination, returned back to library- I mean here, an started typing all this for you. Now it's around 6:40pm and I have to leave for my room.
My routine seems weird because it is exam time, and this is what everyone does here; the difference might be that they will be studying and next is that they might be in their own rooms instead of here. If it had been a typical day, I would have reached college by 9:00am or whenever my classes start, then it would be lunch break at 11 or 12, and then classes till 4:00pm. This is when KU shuts down virtually. Everyone leaves the departments (except some hardworking/dedicated staffs). The number of students inside the KU library starts rising gradually. Library shuts down at 8:00pm, as an information.
Outside the library? Well, they go to their room or social hall or ground or to some restaurants. You know well what we do in each of these places. That's all.
Enough reading about KU. Now it's time to comment or submit an article about your experience in KU at ''. Cheers!
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