July 29, 2011

Kathmandu University- As a Friend!

Many people come in my life, and they come in yours too. Some never meet you though they influence you and some do not even they are always around. Some people insist to be friends with you when you are afraid of something unknown and some never accept your request for friendship. Kathmandu University, a very good friend of mine, is making new friends this summer. I am glad to see thousands of new faces around here who have come to befriend with my KU.

           What makes me feel KU is my friend? Is it the fact that it's easy to make friends but tough to keep your friendship going on forever? How many friends have you made, and how many of them are your friend till that date to today/ Spend a couple of minutes thinking about those amazing people who came in your life and went away unknowingly; could you not maintain your friendship or they failed to? Or there is something else like time and situation that masked your friendship? Whatever! Right? Life goes on and you find new places to see new faces to smile back at you and new life to live. If you are already befriended  with KU, your life must have been wonderful; or may be you are regretting about this relation.

       Cutting a long story short, I should tell you a new (may be not new to many of you, but it was a new information about KU until half an hour ago) thing I have heard about Kathmandu University. There is an interesting tradition here in KU, that you need to abandon your study in case you failed in three of subjects in the final examination. That simple tradition in KU had been a barrier to few of my dearest friends and a few of your ones to maintain relation with KU. Obviously it is a sad fact to remember, but now onwards it's going to be harder to maintain friendship with Kathmandu University. And the reason is- you are excused for your failure in only two of the subjects instead of three, as far as I have heard. Is the modification going to prove fruitful or not? That's a matter to wait and watch!

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